Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Sophie- Northern and Proud

Northern and proud!

Personality Profile of Sophie - Find my thoughts on my results on the Comments section of this post.

I have always been fiercely proud of my Northern heritage and this video helps to demonstrate why! My favourite band of all time Arctic Monkeys were born in Sheffield, and I feel that the music culture in the north of England is distinct from anywhere else in the world, with artists ranging from the Beatles to Pulp to Oasis, these bands have undeniably produced some of the best songs of the last hundred years. I have always found northern people to be more friendly and approachable and I am glad that I chose to go to university in such a happy, friendly northern city!
- Sophie Wilson


  1. 'I was reasonably surprised that I came out as being more significantly more extraverted than introverted. I find my personality changes depending on whose company I'm in: the more comfortable in a situation I feel, the more outspoken I become! I'm definitely someone who acts upon my feelings rather than thinking it through, and this often manages to get me into trouble! I also do hate being alone, and feel the need to be around people all the time, and I have never been to watch a science fiction movie all the way through in my life. Me and Izzy both got the same results, and I'd say we can be very similar- sometimes our personalities can clash because of this! I'm happy to see that in the list of jobs suited to me is Marketer- I must be doing the right degree!'

  2. Sophie you are very lucky to have come from the North - there is such a good music scene!
